Booking Policy

1. General

Upon the booking moment the customer declares the awareness and acceptance of the Booking Policy as well of the hotel Internal Rules (both available on the web site and at the hotel front desk).

Reservations at Zunelli Hotel are made online exclusively on its website ( Reservations may also be exceptionally made by email ( or at the hotel’s front desk (Avenida da Liberdade, 3A, Bairro Nelito Soares, Vila Alice – Luanda). Thus, the confirmation, modification or cancellation of reservations is only effective when done via these channels of communication.

Contact for bookings issues via telephone (+244 222 722 732, +244 995 516 715, +244 926 310 013) can be made from Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 5 pm (Angolan Time), however any requests should be later formalized via e-mail for the security of exchanged information (such as dates, values etc).

2. Booking Payment

All reservations at Zunelli Hotel will be guaranteed upon prepayment, characterized here as Payment in Advance.

The Payment in Advance is equivalent to 100% of the total amount of the booking accommodation.

Payment in Advance will be charged on the credit card provided by the customer. (Debit cards are NOT accepted to the reservation procedure).

Payment in Advance can be done by bank deposit when the customer chooses «Tarifa Kwanza» at the hotel’s website. In this case, the deposit should be done until 3 (three) days after booking and the deposit probative should be forwarded to the e-mail, along with  the indication of the  booking number and the name of the  bearer.

3. Booking

THE Booking process by credit card in the hotel’s website is automatic – the credit card is charged immediately – and the reservation is confirmed as soon as this process is completed.
If the booking was made by «Tarifa Kwanza» at the hotel’s website, it will be confirmed once the bank deposit at the hotel’s account is done, fulfilling the 3(three) days deadline starting the booking’s date, and the exact demanded value of  Payment in Advance. At last, it is necessary to send the probative to the e-mail The non-compliance of any of these steps can result in booking’s cancellation.
At Check-In it is necessary to present the credit card used upon reservation (except for booking via bank deposit) and to sign the debit receipt; the customer must also present a valid identity document (which will be copied by front desk staff).

4. Rates and Terms

Zunelli Hotel has 3 (three) basic types of rates: Balcony Rate, Promotional Rate (Early Booking Rate and Cash “Kwanza” Rate – this last one not available for offshore customers), and Holiday Packages (Carnival, Eastern, New Year etc) and Channels Rate.

A. Balcony Rate s the hotel’s basis rate and has the following conditions:

a. Booking Cancellation:

1. Refund of 80% of  Payment in Advance if cancellation is made within at least 10 (ten) or more days until the Check-In date.

2. NO refund of Payment in Advance if the cancellation is made in 9 (nine) days or less until the Check-In date.

b.  Booking Changes:

1. It is permitted to change the booking period for up to 3 (three) times, as long as it’s requested within at least 10 (ten) or more days until the  Check-In date.

2. If changing the booking’s period results in a greater hosting value, the customer will be required to provide a credit card to be charged the remaining amount (for security reasons the hotel does not keep any information regarding the previously charged card).

3. If changing the booking’s period results in a lower hosting value, the hotel will refund 80% of the amount equivalent to the difference of the previous Payment.

B. Early Booking Rate is a promotional rate destined to encourage reservations well in advance and it has the following conditions:

a. Booking Cancellation:

1. NOT refundable in case of cancellation.

b. Booking Change:

1. It is permitted 1 (one) single change of the booking’s period, as long as it’s requested within at least 10 (ten) or more days until the Check-In date.

2. If changing the booking’s period results in a greater hosting value, the customer will be required to provide a credit card to be charged the difference (for security reasons the hotel does not keep any information regarding the previously charged card).

3. If changing the booking’s period results in a lower hosting value, the hotel will not refund any price difference ,due to its original promotional purpose.

c. Others:

1. Minimum notice of 20 (twenty) days until the Check-In date.

2. Minimum of 2 (two) nights.

C. Cash Rate “Kwanza” is a promotional rate destined to encourage reservation’s payment by bank deposit and it is not available for foreign customers.

a. Booking Cancellation:

1. NOT refundable in case of cancellation.

b. Booking Change:

1. It is permitted 1 (one) single change of the booking’s period, as long as it’s requested within at least 10 (ten) or more days until the Check-In date.

2. If changing the booking’s period results in a greater hosting value, the customer will be required to perform a new bank deposit to the hotel of the remaining value.

3. Due to its promotional nature, changes in the booking’s period resulting in a lower hosting value, will not be refunded by the hotel.

c. Others:

1. Minimum notice of 20 (twenty) days until the Check-In date.

2. Minimum of 3 (three) nights.

D. Holiday Packages (Carnival, Eastern and New Year etc) are for special blocked periods and have the following conditions:

a. Booking Cancellation:

1. NOT refundable in case of cancellation.

b. Booking Change:

1. Holiday Packages do NOT allow any changes except for those aimed at increasing the booking’s period by adding extra days to the beginning or to the end of the package – in such case extra days shall be prepaid upon change request.

c. Others:

1. Dates reserved along with the Holiday Packages follow the same above conditions, even though they’re not originally part of the package.

5. Period Changes during Hosting

A. If the customer is already staying at the hotel and wishes to extend the period of hosting he shall check the availability at the hotel’s front desk and, if the extension is possible, perform a Payment in Advance of the total value of the extension.
B. If a customer already staying at the hotel wishes to shorten the period of hosting, no amount will be refunded or reversed, except for the  amount equivalent to a hosting period that exceeds 10 (ten) days from the request date, in which 80% of the reduced days value will be refunded – also depending on the rate conditions.

6. Upgrade e Downgrade

A. If the customer wishes to perform an accommodation Upgrade he shall, while subjected to availability, make a Payment in Advance equal to the total value of the price difference between accommodations, either prior to Check-In or during the stay.
B. Accommodation Downgrade is possible when the original reservation was made using Balcony Rate and within at least 10 (ten) or more days until the Check-In date, which will result in an 80% refund of the accommodation price difference.
C. After Check-In, the Downgrade, if requested, does not imply any refund regardless the rate type.
D. Holiday Packages allow an Upgrade but not a Downgrade.

7. Late Check-Out e No Show

A. The hotel does not allow Late Check-Out (Check-Out time is at 12h noon).

B. No Show on the Check-In date implies an automatic booking LOSS and no refund of any kind.

8. Cancellation and Refund

A. The right to reimbursement as a result of cancellation depends on the rate conditions used for booking.
B. When a booking rate allows cancellation with refund, subjected to its conditions, the customer will be reimbursed an amount equivalent to 80% of the Payment in Advance. The remaining 20% serves as reparation to the hotel for blocking the accommodation and the consequent inability to sell it to other parties during that period.

C. The reservations made by credit card shall have the 80% reversal requested to the credit card company within 10 (ten) days after the cancellation request.

D. The period for reversal credit is limited by credit card companies and typically ranges between 90 to 120 days after the original debit occurs.

E. If the maximum period for reversal imposed by the credit card company is exceeded as described above, the customer abroad shall provide a PayPal account (, in his behalf, so the hotel may proceed with the reimbursement. In this case the refund will be equivalent to 70% of the amount paid in advance due to Brazilian government fees for operating in US dollars.

F. The effective refund via credit card may not appear immediately on the customer’s invoice depending on the due date of the credit card – even though the reversal was requested by the hotel to the credit card company within 10 days after the cancellation request as described above. Therefore it is possible that the reimbursement is only “visible” on the next credit card invoice.

G. Refund via credit card is only possible if it the credit card used for reservation keeps its validity. Expired or canceled credit cards make the reimbursement by credit card companies impossible and shall be made by PayPal only.

H. If there is any disregard of the hotel’s Internal Rules, hosting shall be CANCELED and the guest will be forced to leave the hotel – still bearing responsibility to pay for the total amount of the reservation, for consumption and for any damage caused to the hotel’s property.

9. Others

A. This document (“Booking Policy”) was specially adapted from “Política de Reservas” for foreign customers and therefore does not present specific information regarding the Cash Rate and bank deposit operations in Angola – available only for national transactions.

B. This document (“Booking Policy”) is nothing but the translation of the official “Política de Reservas” document, prepared as a courtesy to foreign customers, and may not completely achieve the information or intends of the official one.